


LoRaWAN is designed to provide Low Power Wide Area Network with features specifically needed to support low-cost, mobile, secure bi-directional communication for Internet of Things (IoT), machine-to-machine (M2M), and smart city, and industrial applications. It is optimized for low power consumption and to support large networks with millions and millions of devices. It has innovative features, support redundant operation, location, low-cost, low-power and can even run on energy harvesting technologies enabling the mobility and ease of use to Internet of Things.


This document describes the LoRaWAN™ network protocol. Send us an email to request LoRaWAN 1.0 Specification.

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LoRaWAN 433 Extreme Range Connectivity Kit
The LoRaWAN 433 Extreme Range Connectivity Kit includes: 1x LoRaWAN module for Arduino, W..
LoRaWAN 868 Extreme Range Connectivity Kit
The LoRaWAN 868 Extreme Range Connectivity Kit includes: 1x LoRaWAN module for Arduino, W..
LoRaWAN Module 433 with Expansion Board
The LoRaWAN module 433 includes a 433 MHz antenna to be used in this frequency. Specifications: ..
LoRaWAN Module 868 with Expansion Board
The LoRaWAN module 868 includes an 868 MHz antenna to be used in this frequency. Specifications: ..
LoRaWAN module for Arduino, Waspmote and Raspberry Pi - 433 MHz
This module includes an 433 MHz antenna to be used in this frequency. Note:in Arduino this module..
LoRaWAN module for Arduino,Waspmote and Raspberry Pi-868 MHz
This module includes an 868 MHz antenna to be used in this frequency. Note: in Arduino this ..
Seeeduino LoRaWAN
Seeeduino LoRaWAN is an Arduino development board with LoRaWan protocol embeded, through which you c..
Waspmote LoRaWAN SMA 4.5 dBi - 433
Waspmote is an open source wireless sensor platform specially focused on the implemen..
Waspmote LoRaWAN SMA 4.5 dBi - 868
Waspmote is an open source wireless sensor platform specially focused on the implemen..

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