


Dynamixel actuators have been used by every major university, research lab, military & government research lab, and robotic competition worldwide. The casing of each servo is built specifically with robotics in mind, providing easy to use mounting rails and a comprehensive bracket system available for building robotic limbs. TTL and RS-485 serial communication allows for daisy-chainable bus connections at up to 1-3mbps.

Check our Dynamixel Smart Servo Motors HERE.

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Bracket-Dual-S (SPL-2b2(W)) 5pcs
Package Components SPL-2b2(White) 5 Compatible Products DREAM Leve..
Bracket-Single (SPL-1b2(K)) 10pcs
Package Components SPL-1b2(Black) 10 Compatible Products DREAM Lev..
Features BT-210 is a device that enables serial communication (UART) via Bluetooth communicati..
BT-210 Set
Features The BT-210 is a product that uses Bluetooth communication to enable serial communicat..
Features BT-410 is a device that enables serial communication (UART) via Bluetooth communicati..
BT-410 Dongle
Features BT-410 dongle converts two interfaces: USB 2.0 interface and Bluetooth 4.0 Low E..
BT-410 Set
Features BT-410 is a device that enables serial communication (UART) via Bluetooth communication...
Caterpillar (CTP) 10pcs
Features This part is mainly used when making a caterpillar by connecting like a chain ..
 Features CM-150 controller is used with ROBOTIS DREAM. Various DREAM parts (gear..
Features CM-530 is a controller that includes a CPU, TTL communication board, status LED, inpu..
Features CM-700 consists of a CPU, TTL / RS485 communication circuit, and is a control module typ..
Color Sensor CS-10
 Features The Color Sensor CS-10 can be used to detect color. The sensor can detect 6 dif..
Distance Measuring Sensor - DMS-80
Features Can be used to detect walls or objects within a certain range. Is not affected by c..
Features DYNAMIXEL is a robot exclusive smart actuator with fully integrated DC Motor + Reduction..
Features DYNAMIXEL is a robot exclusive smart actuator with fully integrated DC Motor + Reduc..

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