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Phidget IR Reflective Sensor 10cm
Description This IR proximity sensor can detect opaque objects within 10cm and connects to an Ana..
Phidget SBC3
Description Single board computer running Debian 7.0 with 128 MiB SDRAM, 1 GiB Flash, integrated ..
PhidgetAnalog 4-Output
This product has been replaced by newer version of Phidgets-1002_0B The PhidgetAnalog 4-Outp..
PhidgetAnalog 4-Output
Description Outputs a voltage from -10V to +10V. Note: The 1002_0B is identical to the 1002_0,..
PhidgetBridge 4-Input
This Product has been Replaced by newer version of Phidgets-1046_0 The PhidgetBridge lets yo..
PhidgetBridge 4-Input
Description This board is needed to measure the output from a load cell. You can connect up to fo..
PhidgetEncoder HighSpeed 4-Input
Description Read up to four encoders simultaneously with this Phidget. Includes 4 digital inputs ..
This Product has been replaced by newer version of Phidgets-1040_0B The Phidget GPS provides..
Description Measure global position, velocity and heading with the Phidget GPS. Best case accurac..
PhidgetInterfaceKit 0/0/8
Description Control 8 DPDT mechanical relays, switching up to 250VAC/2amp or 200VDC/2amp. The ..
PhidgetInterfaceKit 0/16/16
This product has been replaced by newer version of Phidgets-1012_2B Digital Inputs The Di..
PhidgetInterfaceKit 0/16/16
Note: The 1012_3 is functionally the same as the 1012_2B, but some of the specifications have c..
PhidgetInterfaceKit 0/16/16
Description Use it to check the state of switches and push buttons, and/or to switch relays, sole..
PhidgetInterfaceKit 8/8/8
This Product has been replaced by newer version of Phidgets-1018_2B Analog Inputs The Ana..
PhidgetInterfaceKit 8/8/8 w/6 Port Hub
Description A 1018 with an on-board powered 6-port full-speed (12Mbit/s) USB hub. Analog Input..

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