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Description Proximity 2 click features MAX44000, an IC that integrates an ambient light as..
Proximity 3 click
Proximity 3 click is an intelligent proximity and light sensing device, which features the&nb..
Proximity 5 click
Proximity 5 click is a very accurate and reliable proximity sensing (PS) and ambient light se..
Proximity 6 click
Proximity 6 click is a versatile proximity detection device on a Click board™. It can det..
Proximity 7 click
With its ability to accommodate to different light conditions especially behind a dark glass, the ..
Proximity 8 click
The Click board™ can detect objects regardless of their color, thanks to the VCSEL that emit..
Proximity 9 click
The VCNL4040 also integrates some additional features for better reliability. It has an intelligen..
Proximity click
Description  Proximity click features VCNL4010 proximity and ambient light senso..
PS/2 click
PS/2 click is a cost-effective solution for adding keyboard and mouse connectivity to your design...
PSoC TFT Expansion Board
PSoC® TFT Expansion Board is a breakout board for a 2.8”, 320x240 px MI0283QT-9A TFT dis..
PSoCMCUcard1 empty PCB
Empty PSoC MCU Cardsthat enable you to solder different PSoC microcontrollers and other elect..
PSoCMCUcard2 empty PCB
Empty PSoC MCU Cards enables you to solder different PSoC microcontrollers and other ele..
PSoCMCUcard3 empty PCB
Empty PSoC MCU Cards that enable you to solder different PSoC microcontrollers and other..
PSoCMCUcard4 empty PCB
Empty PSoC MCU Cardsthat enable you to solder different PSoC microcontrollers and other ele..
PT100 3-wire temperature probe
PT100 3-wire temperature probe is a type of RTD platinum probe used to measure temperature..

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