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mikroBoard for dsPIC with dsPIC30F6014A
Description Main purpose of the mikroBoard is usage as MCU card for UNI-DS6 development system...
mikroBoard for PIC 40-pin with PIC18F4520
Description The board features the PIC18F4520 microcontroller, flash module, USB UART..
mikroBoard for PIC 80-pin with PIC18F8520
Description Main purpose of the mikroBoard is usage as MCU card for UNI-DS6 development syste..
mikroBoard for PSoC with CY8C27643
Description Main purpose of the mikroBoard is usage as MCU card for UNI-DS6 development system...
mikroBuffer PROTO Board
The mikroBuffer Board features MCP6284 operational amplifier with total of 4 inputs that..
mikroBus Cape
Description The mikroBUS cape is an extension for Beaglebone Black, the popular low-cost develo..
mikroBUS Shield for mikromedia
mikroBUS shield is an extension board pin-compatible with all mikromedia boards, that feature..
mikroBUS Shuttle
mikroBUS Shuttle is a small add-on board, which is intended to be used with Shuttle click,..
mikroC AI for ARM (Perpetual License)
Modern, intuitive, and professional: The productive cross-platform integrated developing en..
mikroC PRO for 8051 Code License
mikroC PRO for 8051 is a full-featured C compiler for 8051 devices. The feature rich environm..
mikroC PRO for 8051 USB Dongle
mikroC PRO for 8051 is a full-featured C compiler for 8051 devices. The feature rich environm..
mikroC PRO for ARM Code License
Your Strong Ally. mikroC PRO for ARM® is a full-featured C compiler for ARM®&nbs..
mikroC PRO for ARM USB Dongle
mikroC PRO for ARM® is a full-featured C compiler for ARM® Cortex®-M0, M0+, ..
mikroC PRO for AVR Code License
Your Strong Ally. mikroC PRO for AVR is a full-featured C compiler for AVR devices. The fe..
mikroC PRO for AVR USB Dongle
Your Strong Ally. mikroC PRO for AVR is a full-featured C compiler for AVR devices. The fe..

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