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Sx1272 Lora Module for Arduino, Raspberry Pi and Intel Galileo - 868 MHz [Xbee Socket]
NOTE: This product is compatible with Arduino, Raspberry Pi and Intel Galileo bo..
SX1272 LoRa module for Arduino, Raspberry Pi and Intel Galileo - 900 / 915 MHz [XBee Socket]
The SX1272 LoRa module main advantage is the reach increasing but also the cost saving respect other..
Temperature, Humidity and Pressure Sensor Probe
Specification Electrical characteristics Supply voltage: 3.3 V Sleep current typical: 0.1 μ..
Terminal box probe
To provide access to the 4-20 mA current loop board signals on the Waspmote Plug & Sense! encaps..
Tracking Kit (GPRS+GPS)
This Product has been Discontinued. This kit includes the GPRS+GPS Quadband Module (SIM908) that ..
Turbidity sensor probe
This sensor is available for Waspmote “OEM” line and for Plug & Sense! line too. ..
Ultrasound Sensor Probe
I2CXL-MaxSonar®-MB7040™ Operation frequency: 42 kHz Maximum detection distance: 76..
Ultraviolet radiation sensor probe
Ultraviolet (UV) radiation is typically defined as total radiation across a range from 100 to 400 nm..
Vapor pressure, temperature, barometric pressure and relative humidity sensor
The VP-4 sensor probe is an accurate tool to measure air temperature, relative humidity (RH), vapor ..
Waspmote Evaluator Kit
Waspmote is an open source wireless sensor platform specially focused on the implemen..
Water Flow Large, YF-G1 sensor probe
Water Flow Large, YF-G1: Flow rate: 1 ~ 100 L/Min Working voltage: +3.3 V ~ +24 V Working t..
Water Flow Medium,FS300A sensor probe
Water Flow Medium, FS300A: Flow rate: 1 ~ 60 L/Min Working voltage: +5 V ~ +24 V (not suitable..
Water Flow Small (YF-S401) sensor probes
Sensor specifications Water Flow Small, YF-S401  Flow rate: 0.3 ~ 6 L/Min Working ..
Water Leakage / Liquid Detection Sensor Probe (Line)
This sensor detects conductive liquids anywhere along its length. After it is installed, once the ca..
Water Leakage / Liquid Detection sensor probe (Point)
This sensor bases its operation on the variation in resistance between its two contacts in the prese..

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