


Endless possibilities at every budget.

Programmable logic technologies, such as field-programmable gate arrays (FPGAs), are an essential component of any modern circuit designer's toolkit. With their expansive capabilities uniquely suited to a wide array of applications, FPGAs are ideal for solving many of the problems facing the rapidly evolving technology sector. The key benefits of programmable logic technologies include immense flexibility, cost savings over custom silicon, and increased performance by hardware parallelism.

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Cmod S6: Breadboardable Spartan-6 FPGA Module
The Digilent Cmod S6 is a small, 48-pin DIP form factor board built around a Xilinx® Sparta..
Cmod S7: Breadboardable Spartan-7 FPGA Module
The Digilent Cmod S7 is a small, 48-pin DIP form factor board populated with 36 pins and built aroun..
Coax Power Cable
Features: 2.1mm female power connector for use with Digilent power supplies Useful for..
Cora Z7-07S: Zynq-7000 Single Core and Dual Core Options for ARM/FPGA SoC Development
The Digilent Cora Z7 is a ready-to-use, low-cost, and easily embeddable development platform designe..
Cora Z7-10:Zynq-7000 Single Core and Dual Core Options for ARM/FPGA SoC Development
The Digilent Cora Z7 is a ready-to-use, low-cost, and easily embeddable development platform designe..
CY3209 ExpressEVK PSoC Evaluation Kit
This product has been discontinued. The CY3209-ExpressEVK development kit allows one to put real-..
CY3267 PowerPSoC Lighting Evaluation Kit
This product has been discontinued. PowerPSoC is the first device to combine the power of an embe..
DC Motor/Gearbox (1:19 Gear Ratio): Custom 12V Motor Designed for Digilent Robot Kits
Rugged motor/gearbox set suitable for use with Digilent Robotic Starter Kit, separate parts of the R..
DC Motor/Gearbox (1:53 Gear Ratio): Custom 6V Motor Designed for Digilent Robot Kits
Rugged motor/gearbox set suitable for use with Digilent Robotic Starter Kit, separate parts of the R..
Digilent PCB Ruler
Do you find yourself wishing that you had a new cool way to interact with Pmods that wasn't the ..
Digilent Pro MX7: PIC32-based Embedded Systems Trainer Board
The Digilent Pro MX7 is a microcontroller development board based on the Microchip® PIC32MX..
Digilent Screwdriver
This remarkable and stylish tool is sure to become the centerpiece of any dedicated techie's too..
Digilent Sticker Sheet
These sticker sheets allow you to decorate to your heart's content, providing your heart is cont..
Digital Design Using Digilent FPGA Boards: VHDL
This product has been discontinued By Richard E. Haskell & Darrin M. Hanna  LBE Books..
Digital Discovery High Speed Adapter and Logic Probes
The High Speed Adapter, for the 32-pin connector on the Digital Discovery, is an alternative to..

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