
Communication Accessories

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RS-232 Serial Communications Module with MAX3232 ZRS
ZRS RS-232 Modular Communications The ZRS series RS-232 interface modules make it easy to co..
RS-485 Node Serial Network Communications Module SN65HVD12D
RS-485 Serial Communications Module Our RS-485 Serial Communications Module makes it easy to netw..
RS-485 Serial Communications Converter with USB Interface FT232RL SN65HVD12D
USB to RS-485 Converter Build a RS-485 Network in minutes with this USB to RS-485 converter based..
RSB Serial Booster + 12V Power Supply
The RSB Serial Booster was designed to drive up to 20 optoisolated NCD devices from a single RS-232 ..
RSIO Serial Interface Board
The RSIO includes a small RSIO circuit board with a DB-9 Female RS-232 Connector and a set of 5 pron..
RSIO-F6 Serial Interface Board with 6-Pin Flex Ribbon Connector
The RSIO-F6 includes a small RSIO circuit board with a DB-9 Female RS-232 Connector and a 6″ (..
TCA9546A 4-Channel I2C Bus Multiplexer
The TCA9546a is a quad bidirectional I2C multiplexer, providing a single I2C Input and 4 s..
U.FL to RP-SMA Pigtail Cable Adapter
This is a 3″ Pigtail antenna adapter with a U.fl connector on one side an a RP-SMA connector o..
USB Communications Module FT232RL ZUSB
USB Communications Module The ZUSB USB to USART converter is based on the FTDI FT232-RL, making i..
USB Configuration Adapter for NCD Communication Modules
ZigMo_PCB ZIGMO Wi-Fi/Bluetooth Configuration Kit Configure Passwords of Wi-Fi & Bluetooth M..
Wireless Network Gateway allows Multi-Device Control from the Web
Local Communications WiNet speaks to your Router or Wireless Router (depending on your setup) and..
ZigBee Coordinator Long Range Wireless Mesh Modem with USB Interface
ZigBee Wireless Communication Mesh Networking is simply the hottest wireless technology of our ti..

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